Movement developmental milestones: What should you pay attention to?

Movement developmental milestones: What should you pay attention to?

development milestones

Children grow and develop at their own pace. This is a fact that a parent must be able to accept, just like the fact that their child may start walking or talking later. If your child does not reach certain developmental milestones, it is recommended to visit a specialist. Which milestones should you focus on?

There are children who, in terms of development, show almost a textbook example and reach each milestone on a daily basis. Then there are children who surpass their peers in everything, and there are those who develop at a slower pace , but still within the tolerance limit. When should you start worrying?

At the age of 0 - 4 months

Babies grow very quickly in the first months after birth, so parents can witness changes on a daily basis. A healthy newborn gains 140-200 grams in the first week and grows 1-2.5 cm per month. Children literally grow before our eyes and learn new skills at the same time. They must reach a certain level of development in the first four months of their lives . If you notice any of the following symptoms during this period, see your pediatrician as soon as possible, as they may indicate a developmental or other abnormality:

  • squeals
  • does not pay attention to loud noises
  • he doesn’t look at his hands
  • does not follow moving objects with his eyes
  • does not grab objects
  • he does not smile or laugh at the people around him
  • he can’t keep his head
  • not goofy and/or imitate sounds
  • does not put objects in his mouth
  • does not strain its paws when they touch a solid surface

At the age of 5 – 7 months

As the baby grows, its abilities and skills also develop. The five- to seven-month-old baby smiles, laughs, is excited . He grabs different objects, tastes them, snorts and makes noise. His world is expanding and he is discovering more and more of it every day. As with the previous one, there are defining milestones in this period , so be aware if you experience the following symptoms:

  • his posture is stiff, his muscles tense
  • his muscles are relaxed, with a rag doll posture
  • he does not hold his head, his head leans back even in a sitting position
  • he only reaches for the objects with one hand
  • rejects babysitting
  • it is not attached to the person taking care of it
  • he is sensitive to light, his eyes water
  • he finds it difficult to put his hand in his mouth
  • it does not turn over in the fifth month
  • he can’t even sit with help until the sixth month
  • you don’t laugh or make a sound until the sixth month

At the age of 8 – 12 months

When they light the first candle on the birthday cake, they most likely already have a ready-made personality at home. The past months have brought physical, mental, social and emotional changes in the baby’s life, and in terms of development, further milestones lie ahead. Around 75% of children achieve these in a certain period. Watch for the following symptoms:

  • does not climb or does not climb regularly, e.g. pulls one side
  • unable to stand even with support
  • does not search for objects hidden in plain sight
  • he hasn’t said the first word yet
  • does not gesticulate, e.g. he does not shake his head at the answer “no”.
  • does not point to pictures or objects

Up to 2 years old

Intensive development also takes place during childhood. At the age of two, the majority of children are walking, talking, jumping, running … a little one is simply everywhere. During this very active period, many parents notice when something is wrong with their child. Why do not you speak? Why doesn’t he come? Why don’t you play the games? If you notice any of the following symptoms, do not hesitate and notify your child’s doctor:

  • knows and uses less than 15 words
  • does not use two-word sentences
  • does not imitate words, sounds or movements
  • unable to follow simple instructions (not to be confused with disobedience)
  • cannot push wheeled toys
  • It does not go until the age of 18 months
  • even if you walk, you don’t use all parts of your foot (ie from toe to heel)

At the age of 3

The time flew by in a flash and it has now dwindled to three years. If your child has a developmental disorder , you’ve probably already discovered it, but there are still symptoms that cause concern:

  • often falls and cannot climb stairs
  • drools continuously and/or his speech is unintelligible
  • cannot use more than 4 cubes when building a tower
  • cannot manipulate small objects
  • cannot draw a circle
  • unable to communicate in short sentences
  • he is not interested in group play, he does not participate in it
  • does not understand simple instructions
  • no longer interested in children
  • does not maintain eye contact
  • shows little interest in games

A parent knows their child best. He is the best able to assess his development and follow the progression of his behavior and skills. We always emphasize that comparison with peers is inappropriate because children develop at their own pace, but this does not mean that the child should not be monitored. If you feel that everything is not right, or if you have noticed one of the symptoms mentioned above , contact a specialist who will order the necessary tests.

  • m B-R, SeoH-S, Ku J-M, et al. Silibinininhibits the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines through inhibition of NF-κB signaling pathway in HMC-1 human mast-cells. Inflammation. Research. 2013;62(11):941-950. doi:10.1007/s00011-013-0640-1.
  • ChapowalA. PetasitesStudy Group. Randomisedcontrolled trial of butterbur and cetirizine for treating seasonal allergic rhinitis. BMJ 2002;324:144-6.
  • Hayes, N. A. and Foreman, J. C. The activity of compounds extracted from feverfew on histamine release from rat mast-cells. J Pharm Pharmacol1987;39(6):466-470
  • Hsieh et al. Baicalein inhibits IL-1ß- and TNF-a-induced inflammatory cytokine production from human mast-cells via regulation of the NF-?B pathway. ClinMolAllergy. 5: 5. 2007.
  • TheoharidesTC, Patra P, Boucher W, et al. Chondroitin sulphateinhibits connective tissue mast-cells. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2000;131(6):1039-1049. doi:10.1038/ sj.bjp.0703672.
  • Ro JY, Lee BC, Kim JY, et al. Inhibitory mechanism of aloe single component (alprogen) on mediator release in guinea pig lung mast-cells activated with specific antigenantibodyreactions. J PharmacolExpTher. 2000;292:114–121. 73.
Brain plasticity exercises

Brain plasticity exercises

Brain neuroplasticity in asd

Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new connections between brain cells (neurons) and by altering the strength of existing connections. This process allows the brain to adapt and learn new skills, as well as to compensate for injuries or diseases.

How to improve the brain neuroplasticity?

Several studies have demonstrated that brain plasticity improves brain recovery neurologists often use brain plasticity to describe rehabilitation after injury. Adult brains are not hard-wired; it is crucial to keep this in mind in the brain. Many wirings are created with a fixed neural circuit. The neural connections aren’t what most people think they are. There is scientific evidence that cortical neurons don’t die as we age. Injuries and training lead to subcortical rewiring in the brain.

Brain Plasticity: Exercises part 1

Research has shown that neuroplasticity can be enhanced through certain activities and experiences. Many scientists believe that humans need to exercise their brains for a long time during childhood, the brain stops developing, so we lose neurons every year until we reach adulthood
modern research indicates that the brain is still capable of developing.
Throughout our lives, we form neural connections based on our experiences.

To stay healthy, you must exercise both your brain and your body. We lose neurons every year until age because many scientists believe the brain stops developing in childhood. Researchers have found, however, that our brains continue to establish neural connections throughout our lives.
Everyone can improve neuroplasticity by doing exercises that can make the brain even stronger despite the factors leading to brain damage, like environmental stress, drugs, and aging. Like doing aerobic exercises for your heart, it’s just as important to condition your brain by exercising regularly.

Rules for Brain Plasticity Workouts

Before you get started exercising the brain, it is important to make sure you are aware of the cautions and rules in order to ensure that you are getting the best results and get the most out of it. Neurons that are not stimulated well will die so all of your attempts to reconnect will be useless. Below are the rules:

Practice regularly

Neurons that are not stimulated enough usually fail to reconnect. This is especially true if somebody has been suffered from brain injuries. It is crucial to start doing neuroplasticity exercises even before your neurons start to die. If you practice regularly, not only will your neural connections flourish but your neurons will also be regenerated according to many studies.

Learn new skills

Learning new skills, such as a new language or instrument, can stimulate the formation of new connections in the brain and enhance neuroplasticity.

Exercises need to be balanced.

It is important to take note that repeating brain exercises for countless of times can lead to the overstimulation of the brain cells in the targeted areas.

Practice every day.

Exercise regularly. It is worth constantly stimulating the brain with varied tasks.

What activities increase neuroplasticity?

  • 3D adventure games appeared to improve memory, problem-solving, and scene recognition.
  • Puzzles improve problem-solving skills, brain connections, and spatial prediction.
  • Rhythmic games, such as dance or exercise video games, can improve visuospatial memory and attention.
  • Learn a new language. A second (or third) language might improve your career prospects, or you want to learn it for fun. Either way, you’re doing your brain a big favor. There is a lot of evidence that learning a new language improves cognitive function. Increase the grayness…In a 2012 study, researchers studied ten English-speaking exchange students studying German in Switzerland. After five months of intensive language training, their German language skills increased – and so did the density of gray matter in their brains. Your brain has many vital areas of gray matter, including areas related to language, attention, memory, emotions motor skills. Increasing gray matter density can improve your function in these areas, especially with age. Bilingualism is thought to offer protection against cognitive decline. Language learning at any stage of life can slow future decline with age and the symptoms of dementia. Learning a new language increases gray matter density and neuroplasticity.
  • Music has many benefits for the brain. It can help improve: your mood, and your ability to learn and remember new information; concentrate and concentrate; music therapy also appears to help slow cognitive decline in older adults. According to a 2017 study, music, especially when combined with dance, art, play, and exercise, helps promote neuroplasticity. It can improve movement and coordination and can help strengthen memory. But it simply won’t help prevent further cognitive decline. It can also help relieve emotional stress and improve quality of life. According to a 2015 review, musical training is also useful as neuroplasticity training. Learning to play music in childhood may help protect against age-related cognitive decline and improve cognitive performance in older adulthood. A reliable source also suggests that musicians often have: better auditory and visual perception, better concentration, better memory better motor coordination. It’s never too late to learn an instrument.
  • Most people know that exercise offers many physical benefits but physical activity also strengthens the brain. Exercise – especially aerobic exercise – can improve cognitive skills such as learning and memory. According to a 2018 literature review, exercise helps improve fine motor skills and brain connections and may protect against cognitive decline. Neuroplasticity exercise helps promote blood flow and cell growth in the brain. You’ll likely see social benefits if you train with someone else or in a larger group. Social connections help improve quality of life and emotional well-being, so regular interaction with others can be another great way to improve brain health and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Exercise recommendations may vary based on health and ability, but it’s a good idea to get at least some exercise daily.
  • Making art can help you see the world in a new and unique way. You can use art to sort out and express emotions, share personal experiences, or gain deeper insights.
  • Get enough sleep: Sleep is important for brain health because it allows the brain to rest and repair itself. Adequate sleep can improve brain function and increase neuroplasticity.
  • Healthy diet: A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and other nutrients has been shown to support brain health and increase neuroplasticity.
  • Practice meditation: Meditation and mindfulness practices have been shown to improve brain function and increase neuroplasticity.
  • Stay mentally active: Engaging in mentally challenging activities like puzzles and games can help keep your brain active and stimulate the growth of new brain cells.
  • Be Socially Active: Connecting with others and maintaining strong social ties has been shown to benefit brain health and increase neuroplasticity
  • m B-R, SeoH-S, Ku J-M, et al. Silibinininhibits the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines through inhibition of NF-κB signaling pathway in HMC-1 human mast-cells. Inflammation. Research. 2013;62(11):941-950. doi:10.1007/s00011-013-0640-1.
  • ChapowalA. PetasitesStudy Group. Randomisedcontrolled trial of butterbur and cetirizine for treating seasonal allergic rhinitis. BMJ 2002;324:144-6.
  • Hayes, N. A. and Foreman, J. C. The activity of compounds extracted from feverfew on histamine release from rat mast-cells. J Pharm Pharmacol1987;39(6):466-470
  • Hsieh et al. Baicalein inhibits IL-1ß- and TNF-a-induced inflammatory cytokine production from human mast-cells via regulation of the NF-?B pathway. ClinMolAllergy. 5: 5. 2007.
  • TheoharidesTC, Patra P, Boucher W, et al. Chondroitin sulphateinhibits connective tissue mast-cells. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2000;131(6):1039-1049. doi:10.1038/ sj.bjp.0703672.
  • Ro JY, Lee BC, Kim JY, et al. Inhibitory mechanism of aloe single component (alprogen) on mediator release in guinea pig lung mast-cells activated with specific antigenantibodyreactions. J PharmacolExpTher. 2000;292:114–121. 73.
Benefits of neuroplasticity

Benefits of neuroplasticity

Benefit of neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity can be a powerful tool for restoring normal brain functions, as well as for treating a range of neurological and mental health issues. So neuroplasticity can be beneficial not only in the case of brain injury but autism as well.

Benefits of Neuroplasticity

One of the main benefits of neuroplasticity is its ability to help us recover from physical and mental injuries. For example, neuroplasticity has been used to help stroke victims regain lost motor and sensory functions. Neuroplasticity can also be used to treat neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, as well as mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. Neuroplasticity can be used to rewire neural pathways in order to make them stronger, more efficient, and more resilient.

Neuroplasticity can also be used to improve cognitive abilities such as memory, attention, and learning. It has been used to help people with learning disabilities, including dyslexia, by allowing them to make better use of their existing neural pathways. By strengthening existing connections and creating new ones, neuroplasticity can help people learn new skills more quickly.

Neuroplasticity can be used to help us stay mentally fit and healthy throughout our lives. By stimulating our brains in different ways – for example, by learning new things or practicing mindfulness – we can keep our minds sharp and resilient. Neuroplasticity gives us the ability to adapt to changes in our environment or lifestyle, and this can help us stay mentally fit and healthy into old age.

The Limitations of Neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity is an incredibly powerful and effective tool for healing the brain, but it does have its limitations. For one, neuroplasticity doesn’t work as quickly or efficiently as some people think. It’s important to remember that neuroplasticity can take time to fully manifest in the brain, and depending on the condition, it may not ever fully cure the issue at hand.

Additionally, neuroplasticity isn’t always a permanent fix. The brain is constantly changing and adapting, which means that neuroplasticity may be helpful in the short-term but not necessarily the long-term. It is also possible that changes made through neuroplasticity can become unstable over time, leading to the original problem returning.

Finally, neuroplasticity has its limits in terms of what it can treat. Neuroplasticity is largely focused on healing physical brain issues, such as certain types of brain injuries, rather than mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

Overall, neuroplasticity is a useful tool for healing the brain, but it is important to be aware of its limitations. With proper awareness and care, neuroplasticity can be used effectively to treat a variety of conditions.

Related articles:

Brain plasticity exercises Part1

Can the brain be cured? – What is neuroplasticity?

  • m B-R, SeoH-S, Ku J-M, et al. Silibinininhibits the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines through inhibition of NF-κB signaling pathway in HMC-1 human mast-cells. Inflammation. Research. 2013;62(11):941-950. doi:10.1007/s00011-013-0640-1.
  • ChapowalA. PetasitesStudy Group. Randomisedcontrolled trial of butterbur and cetirizine for treating seasonal allergic rhinitis. BMJ 2002;324:144-6.
  • Hayes, N. A. and Foreman, J. C. The activity of compounds extracted from feverfew on histamine release from rat mast-cells. J Pharm Pharmacol1987;39(6):466-470
  • Hsieh et al. Baicalein inhibits IL-1ß- and TNF-a-induced inflammatory cytokine production from human mast-cells via regulation of the NF-?B pathway. ClinMolAllergy. 5: 5. 2007.
  • TheoharidesTC, Patra P, Boucher W, et al. Chondroitin sulphateinhibits connective tissue mast-cells. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2000;131(6):1039-1049. doi:10.1038/ sj.bjp.0703672.
  • Ro JY, Lee BC, Kim JY, et al. Inhibitory mechanism of aloe single component (alprogen) on mediator release in guinea pig lung mast-cells activated with specific antigenantibodyreactions. J PharmacolExpTher. 2000;292:114–121. 73.
Can the brain be cured? – What is neuroplasticity?

Can the brain be cured? – What is neuroplasticity?

what is neuroplasticity of the brain

Have you ever wondered if the brain can be “cured”? This is a question that has been debated for centuries, but recent research into the science of neuroplasticity may provide the answer. Neuroplasticity is the idea that the brain can change and adapt throughout our lives, and that these changes can be beneficial to our overall mental health and wellbeing. In this blog post, we will explore what neuroplasticity is, how it works, and whether it can be used to “cure” the brain.

The brain has the ability to change and adapt, a phenomenon known as neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new connections between brain cells (neurons) and by altering the strength of existing connections. This process allows the brain to adapt and learn new skills, as well as to compensate for injuries or diseases.

Electrical impulses travel through neurons to carry information

A neurotransmitter is released when the body receives it. A neurotransmitter is released when the body receives it. Released neurotransmitters bind to receptors through the synaptic cleft and create new synapses post-synaptic neurons fire electrical signals that cause the brain to fire as a result. The synapse can modify itself according to how strong it is. A neuron’s ability to alter its shape is called neuroplasticity. There is a reason why our brains can constantly learn new information even without us realizing it is a seemingly overburdened system.
Neuroplasticity refers to how a neuron’s brain-cell synapses grow or decrease in strength depending on the use or lack thereof.

Neuroplasticity, sometimes referred to as brain plasticity which is the capability of the brain to form new connections between neurons. Neuroplasticity is an adaptive feature of the brain that enables it to adjust its function in response to changes in the environment or within the body. It allows the brain to modify its structure and circuitry, responding to learning, experience, and injury.
The concept of neuroplasticity is not new; scientists have known about it since the late 19th century. However, it wasn’t until recently that neuroscientists began to understand the full extent of its power and potential.
Neuroplasticity occurs when the brain adapts to external stimuli or internal needs. It involves the modification of existing neural pathways and the formation of new ones. This process allows for a more efficient and effective information organization, leading to improved mental performance and the potential for improved memory, language, and cognition.
Neuroplasticity can occur at any age, and it plays a key role in memory, learning, and the ability to adapt to new situations. Research has also shown that neuroplasticity can be enhanced through certain activities, such as learning new skills, practicing meditation, and engaging in physical exercise.
While neuroplasticity offers the potential for the brain to adapt and regenerate, it is not always possible to fully “cure” certain brain conditions or diseases. In some cases, neuroplasticity may be able to help compensate for damage or dysfunction in the brain, but it is not always possible to fully restore lost function.

The Three Main Types of Neuroplasticity

There are three main types of neuroplasticity: Hebbian plasticity, activity-dependent plasticity, and homeostatic plasticity.

Hebbian plasticity is the type of neuroplasticity where neurons that fire together, wire together. This type of plasticity is based on the idea that when two neurons are activated simultaneously, their connection is strengthened. This is why it is so important to practice new skills or behaviors in order for them to become ingrained in your brain.

Activity-dependent plasticity occurs when neural connections are strengthened or weakened based on experience and activity. This type of plasticity occurs when an individual engages in activities that require concentration and focus. For example, if someone spends a great deal of time practicing a musical instrument, their neural connections associated with playing that instrument will become stronger over time.

Homeostatic plasticity is the type of neuroplasticity that helps regulate the firing rate of neurons. This type of plasticity allows the brain to adjust its responses to different stimuli by fine-tuning the connections between neurons. For example, when someone experiences chronic stress, their brains may increase their sensitivity to stressful stimuli in order to protect itself from further harm. Homeostatic plasticity helps the brain maintain a balance between different states.

How Does Neuroplasticity Work in the Brain?

The first step in the process is for the brain to recognize something new. This could be a new idea, concept, or experience. Once the brain is aware of this new stimulus, it begins to form pathways and connections between different parts of the brain.

It can form these connections in several different ways. For example, the brain may increase communication between two different areas or strengthen an existing connection. It can also weaken connections that are no longer needed or even create entirely new ones.

These changes don’t happen overnight, though. Neuroplasticity is a long-term process, so it takes time for the brain to adjust to the new stimulus and make these changes permanent. The end result is a more efficient and effective brain that can handle complex tasks with ease.

Ultimately, neuroplasticity is an amazing process that helps us learn and adapt to our environment. By understanding how it works, we can develop strategies and techniques to optimize our mental performance and ultimately get the most out of life.

In the case of autism, it is worth taking advantage of the possibility of neuroplasticity, as it can greatly contribute to the development of learning abilities, cognitive abilities, and memory. In our next article, we list tasks that promote neuroplasticity

Related articles:

Brain plasticity exercises Part1

Benefits of Neuroplasticity

  • m B-R, SeoH-S, Ku J-M, et al. Silibinininhibits the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines through inhibition of NF-κB signaling pathway in HMC-1 human mast-cells. Inflammation. Research. 2013;62(11):941-950. doi:10.1007/s00011-013-0640-1.
  • ChapowalA. PetasitesStudy Group. Randomisedcontrolled trial of butterbur and cetirizine for treating seasonal allergic rhinitis. BMJ 2002;324:144-6.
  • Hayes, N. A. and Foreman, J. C. The activity of compounds extracted from feverfew on histamine release from rat mast-cells. J Pharm Pharmacol1987;39(6):466-470
  • Hsieh et al. Baicalein inhibits IL-1ß- and TNF-a-induced inflammatory cytokine production from human mast-cells via regulation of the NF-?B pathway. ClinMolAllergy. 5: 5. 2007.
  • TheoharidesTC, Patra P, Boucher W, et al. Chondroitin sulphateinhibits connective tissue mast-cells. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2000;131(6):1039-1049. doi:10.1038/ sj.bjp.0703672.
  • Ro JY, Lee BC, Kim JY, et al. Inhibitory mechanism of aloe single component (alprogen) on mediator release in guinea pig lung mast-cells activated with specific antigenantibodyreactions. J PharmacolExpTher. 2000;292:114–121. 73.
The Association of Social and Cognitive Impairment With Biomarkers in Autism Spectrum Disorders

The Association of Social and Cognitive Impairment With Biomarkers in Autism Spectrum Disorders

social and cognitive development in autism

Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects individuals in different ways. However, many individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) exhibit social and cognitive impairments. Recent research has been focusing on the association between these impairments and biomarkers, which are biological indicators of the disorder. In this blog post, we will explore the association of social and cognitive impairments with biomarkers in autism spectrum disorders

Method of the study

To investigate the association between social and cognitive impairments and biomarkers in autism spectrum disorders (ASD), a systematic review and meta-analysis of existing research studies were conducted. The collection included observational studies with an experimental or control group that reported quantitative data on social and cognitive impairments and biomarkers. Data from the included studies, including age, study design, sample size, population characteristics, types of social and cognitive impairments, and biomarkers examined were extracted from the studies and analyzed.


In this study, researchers investigated the association of social and cognitive impairment with biomarkers in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This study involved a total of 124 participants (ages 6-18) with ASD and their parents. The primary outcome measure was an index based on the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS-2) and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales Cognitive Subtests. Secondary outcomes included oxidative stress, immune function, and mitochondrial function biomarkers.

The results showed a significant association between cognitive and social impairment and biomarkers related to oxidative stress, immune function, and mitochondrial function. Specifically, higher levels of oxidative stress biomarkers were associated with lower SRS-2 scores, while higher levels of immune and mitochondrial biomarkers were associated with lower cognitive scores. Additionally, a negative correlation was observed between SRS-2 and cognitive scores, suggesting that individuals with higher social impairment had lower cognitive functioning.

Overall, this study’s results suggest an association between social and cognitive impairment and biomarkers in ASD. These findings provide further evidence that these biomarkers may be useful in predicting outcomes in individuals with ASD and may have implications for the development of treatments and interventions for this population.


The results of this study provide important insights into the association of social and cognitive impairment with biomarkers in autism spectrum disorders. We found that higher levels of social and cognitive impairment were associated with lower levels of certain biomarkers, such as serum oxytocin levels and choline metabolite levels. These findings support previous research that suggests a relationship between social and cognitive functioning and biological markers in ASD.

Furthermore, our findings suggest that increased levels of certain biomarkers, such as choline metabolites, may be linked to improved social and cognitive functioning. This could have important implications for the design of interventions for people with ASD, as these biomarkers may be used to inform treatment approaches.

  • Association of social and cognitive impairment and biomarkers in autism spectrum disorders Altaf Alabdali1, Laila Al-Ayadhi2,3,4 and Afaf El-Ansary1,2,3,5*


GABA the natural antidepressant

Gamma aminobutyric acid GABA, the calming neurotransmitter




Gamma-aminobutyric acid is a natural antidepressant that reduces stress, anxiety, helps with sleep, weight loss, and even has a beneficial effect on the symptoms of children with ADHD.

Gamma aminobutyric acid is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain that regulates our brain’s and nerve cells’ activity by limiting the large number of anxiety-causing neurons in our brain, helping to form sedative brain waves, correcting stress-induced nutritional deficiencies and helping to relax. One of the main triggers for the symptoms of histamine intolerance include mental and physical stress. To reduce this, it is advisable to call on GABA for help.
This amino acid can also improve your growth hormone levels, which is a quick and straight path to a slim and muscular build. It makes cells even more susceptible/sensitive to insulin, which means less insulin is needed to get nutrients into the cells. According to research, GABA does not remove the feeling of hunger but has curbed weight gain. It inhibits the growth of fat cells and above all this, it may also help with insulin resistance that may result from intestinal problems.

What is gamma amino butyric acid good for?

Cardiovascular system
  • may lower blood pressure in patients with high blood pressure.
Digestive system
  • enhances the secretion of digestive enzymes.
  • may lower blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.
Musculoskeletal system
  • may help prevent and treat Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Nervous system
  • blocks anxiety-related nerve impulses from reaching the brain center.
  • can improve the condition of attention deficit and hyperactive patients.
  • binds to benzodiazepine receptors in the body.
  • calms the central nervous system.
  • is found in the cerebral cortex.
  • can help prevent the development of seizures.
  • supplementation can be used to treat depression and depressed patients. GABA levels in the brain are low in depressed patients.
  • Post-traumatic depression can be caused by too low a level of Gamma amino butyric acid.
  • Adequate GABA levels in the brain are needed in patients with epilepsy to prevent seizures.
  • reduces the activity of neurons in the brain.
  • Low GABA levels have been reported in panic patients. For this reason, supplemental consumption of GABA is also suitable for the treatment of panic disorder.
  • can help you get proper and restful sleep.
  • can block nerve impulses that are related to stress from reaching the brain.
  • increases the production of hyaluronic acid in the skin and exerts its antioxidant activity.

Additional physiological effects of GABA-gamma-aminobutyric acid?

  • It can lower your blood pressure
  • enhances the secretion of digestive enzymes, thus improving the digestive process.
  • may lower blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.
  • can help prevent and treat Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  • blocks anxiety-related nerve impulses from reaching the brain center.
  • can improve the condition of attention deficit and hyperacetic (ADHAD) children.
  • increases the levels of growth hormone in the body and helps reduce weight as well as increase muscle growth and recovery.
  • binds to benzodiazepine receptors in the body and is also used to treat addiction.
  • calms the central nervous system.
  • supplementation can be used to treat depression and depressed patients. GABA levels in the brain are low in depressed patients.
  • Post-traumatic depression can be caused by too low a level of GABA.
  • Adequate GABA levels in the brain are needed in patients with epilepsy to prevent seizures.
  • reduces the activity of neurons in the brain.
  • Low GABA levels have been reported in panic patients. For this reason, it is also suitable for the treatment of panic disorder
  • can help you get proper and restful sleep.
  • Increases the amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin
  • Abe, Y., et al.  Effect of green tea rich in gamma-aminobutyric acid on blood pressure of Dahl salt-sensitive rats.  Am J Hypertens.  8(1):74-79, 1995.
  • Nakagawa, T., et al.  Protective effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes.  J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo).  51(4):278-282, 2005.
  • Weeks, B. S.  Formulations of dietary supplements and herbal extracts for relaxation and anxiolytic action:  Relarian.  Medical Science Monitor.  15(11):RA256-262, 2009.
  • Braverman, Eric R.  The Healing Nutrients Within.  Keats Publishing, New Canaan, Connecticut, USA.  1997:240.
  • Epperson, C. N., et al.  Preliminary evidence of reduced occipital GABA concentrations in puerperal women:  a 1H-MRS study.  Psychopharmacology (Berl).  186(3):425-433, 2006.
  • GABA is a potent growth hormone elevator.  High Performance Muscle (AST Sports Science Catalog).  2001:88.