Methylation & Autism

Evidence-based information


Methylation and Autism

The methylation and autism connection is now obvious. Methylation is a biochemical process that takes place in every cell and tissue of our body continuously, millions of times per second. Methylation is a relatively basic operation from the point of view of the functioning of the body, thus it has a central role in the creation and transformation of a series of vital substances (e.g. ATP, creatine, carnitine, CoQ10, melatonin, serotonin, taurine, glutathione, etc.), in this way the physical and psychological in maintaining our health.

Among other things, methylation has a role in cell division, DNA and RNA synthesis, in the repair of our DNA, in the proper functioning of our immune system, including, for example, inflammatory processes, in the transformation of toxins and hormones, in the synthesis of neurotransmitters (e.g. norepinephrine, thus the stable psychological state in its design), and we could list more. In fact, proper methylation is the key to the functioning of all our cells and tissues, i.e. without it, nothing would work at all.

Methylation and Autism

Many autistic children have reduced methylation and antioxidant/detoxification capacity, as well as chronic oxidative stress. A targeted nutritional intervention designed to correct the metabolic imbalance can normalize their metabolic profile and improves autistic behavior.

Whey Protein

Whey Protein

Terra Origin - whey proteinProbably you did not know until now, that whey protein isolate could increase intracellular GSH (glutathione) concentrations and protect against oxidant-induced cell death all over the body, including gut cells.  Whey Protein assists the...

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Glutathione is the body’s most important antioxidant, found in every single cell. It is also called a "master antioxidant" because it exerts its effects within cells and its unique ability to maximize the effects of all other antioxidants, including vitamins C and E,...

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