Macro Diet ebook


What is included in this ebook: The knowhow of weight loss, the real scientific knowledge on how to burn fat, what hormons play role in the fat burning process and how to manipulate them, food list, detox meal plan, and a 3×20 minutes weekly workout plan with which you burn fat faster than with anything else.


Why should you buy the Macro Diet ebook now and the Macro Diet recipe book together?

  • Because the knowledge described in the Macro Diet e-book can be a definitive solution not only to weight problems but also to digestive problems.
  • Because the result is immediately visible if you follow the instructions seriously!
  • Because you don’t want to pay a huge amount of money for a nutritionist!
  • Because you don’t have time to go to the gym and you can’t even train 5 times a week
  • Because you don’t want to spend on a personal trainer
  • Because you don’t want to lose weight by consuming artificial powders but healthy foods

Why will the “Macro Diet eBook” be useful?

  • Believe me this diet will be different because the e-book will give you the science-based, fastest and most effective fat burning techniques that will make weight loss really simple.
  • It will teach you how to control your hunger so you can be more successful in your diet
  • It conveys in a comprehensible way the scientific knowledge that you can use to turbo-charge your metabolism
  • You will understand the relationship between hormones and weight loss. If you have tried everything and still do not lose weight, you don’t think that you are a genetic scrap, your hormones working against you. It’s time to change and take a different path to your eating habits
  • I will explains the mechanism of weight loss to understand what processes take place in your body when you burn fat and how you can stimulate these processes
  • From the e-book you can find out which foods will help you lose weight and you will also get the exact amounts
  • And last but not least, you get a workout plan that aims to keep you moving even when you have little free time and can train for a short time. In our training program the High Intensity Interval training which has high fat burning efficiency is combined with fat-burning but also muscle-building weight training, which you can do 3 times a week for up to 1 x 15 or 2 × 10 minutes

Here is a part of the content of the Macro Diet ebook

The mechanism of weight loss 92
The process of breaking down the body fat 97
Hormones and body fat 103
The physiology of fasting 118
Cyclic calorie intake 125
Hunger control 128
Weight loss supplements 133
Basic technical concepts 139
OC Program - "Macro Diet" 151
“Macro Diet” - A Practical Guide 174
"OC training" 167