Inner beauty to restore and detox skin and hair

Helps restore your body’s natural ability to stimulate hair growth and produce healthy skin and nails.The natural nutrients of this composition of herbs help combat nutritional deficiencies, environmental aggressors, healthy metabolism.

DEGLYCYRRHIZINATED LICORICE ROOT EXTRACT, Reduces eczema and redness, anti-inflammatory and hormone balancing
AMLA FRUIT EXTRACT, Delays aging, reduces wrinkles and skin damage, reduces pigmentation and conditions hair
SENNA LEAF EXTRACT, Detoxifies the body, strengthens and thickens hair
GINGER ROOT POWDER, Protects against eczema and inflammation and reduces DNA damage
FENNEL SEED POWDER, Reduces water retention, purifies the blood
PROBIOTIC BLEND, Supports gut health and healing, improves digestion
ALOE VERA LEAF POWDER, Nourishes the skin antiaging, moisturizing and anti-bacterial
BROMELAIN, PAPAIN, PROTEASE, AMYLASE, LIPASE, Aids in digestion, increases absorption of essential nutrients
